Tuesday, July 10, 2007

New spare time project: Mini software synthesizer

I have recently started working on a very low scale software synthesizer that, hopefully, will turn out quite nice. It has been some years since I last worked in the audio-field so my memory about the tedious details is quite rusty and needed heavy restoration.

The basic idea of my synthesizer is for it to be as small as possible in terms of compiled executable while still sounding good. It will all be compiled in C++, but without the use of inheritance and other language features that may add overhead to the final out come.

After only a couple of hours of hacking I have the basics up and running, i.e. I have a waveOut* wrapper that allows me to actually output the generated signal to the Wave Mapper of the current system. Also I have some basic oscilators, noise generators, reverb, quantifiers, envelopes and filters ready.

To give you guys a glimpse of what the code looks like I proudly present an exponential ADSR envelope that I made yesterday: http://pastebin.com/f4f84126d


Unknown said...


kaneel said...

raaaaaaaaaasssssmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus :D